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Cash boost for North Northamptonshire swimming pool

Parks, sports and leisure

08 November 2023

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A North Northamptonshire Council swimming pool is set to benefit from a cash boost after a successful bid for Government funding.

The Splash Leisure Pool in Rushden, which is run by Freedom Leisure, will be awarded £114,206 from the Swimming Pool Support Fund (SPSF), which is administered by Sport England.

An increase in energy costs meant that without the money the pool would have had to greatly reduce its offer.

We’re delighted to have received this funding to help with the running costs of one of our pools – higher energy costs meant that without the money the facility would have really struggled.

Not only is swimming a great way of keeping fit but it’s also a lovely way of meeting up with friends, keeping people socially active too.
Cllr Helen Howell, the Council’s Deputy Leader and Executive Member for Sport, Leisure, Culture and Tourism

The Swimming Pool Support Fund provides a total of £60 million to local authorities in England as a support package for public leisure facilities with swimming pools and is split into two phases.

A revenue fund of £20m is available to support facilities with swimming pools with increased cost pressures, leaving them most vulnerable to closure or significant service reduction.

While a capital stream of £40m is available from the government for capital investment to improve the energy efficiency of public facilities with pools in the medium to long term.

The contractual arrangements for the Splash Leisure Pool meant that it was eligible to make an application to the revenue fund.

I’d like to thank Sport England for making this funding available - the Splash Leisure Pool is a much-loved community facility and this money will mean that it will maintain the opening hours that people are used to – keeping it as accessible as possible.Cllr Jason Smithers, Leader of the Council