Carbon Management Plan annual report to be discussed by Executive


10 June 2024

An annual snapshot of the work North Northamptonshire Council is doing to become carbon neutral will be showcased at the authority’s Executive this week.

The Carbon Management Plan Annual Progress Report 2022-23 notes the good work that has taken place as well as future projects to work towards carbon neutrality.

In July 2021, the Council declared a climate and environment emergency, with the authority then committing to become carbon neutral by 2030. The Council’s Carbon Management Plan, which sets out the roadmap to achieve carbon neutrality, was approved in December 2022.

Additionally, as part of the 2021/22 budget setting process, the Council earmarked £1m of funding over three years to support the journey to becoming carbon neutral.

Some key achievements include:

  • 9,832 trees were planted during 2022/23 across North Northamptonshire - 19,000 trees have been planted since 2021
  • Entire winter gritting fleet using hydrotreated vegetable oil instead of diesel
  • Introduction of an electric refuse collection vehicle
  • Energy consumption of IT equipment reduced by 69,800 kWh
  • EV chargers installed on-street and off street across the area – with almost one-fifth of the Council’s newly-ordered fleet being electric

Work has also been carried out to establish a truer carbon footprint for the Council – building upon the calculations that were initially compiled following local government reorganisation.

This data will now reflect indirect activities by the Council, as well as direct ones, and will now include the impact of the disposal of household waste, water supply and treatment, fleet mileage emissions, and staff business travel. More accurate information on the authority’s usage of natural gas has also been incorporated.

The figure for 2022/23 will now be used as a baseline by which to compare future years.

Going forward the Council will continue to deliver on the 82 activities that were highlighted in the carbon management plan and will also embark on new actions to help work towards becoming carbon neutral.

These include exploring emerging technologies to reduce the impact of the Council’s waste, implementing low carbon fleet vehicles and increased recycling.