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Burton Latimer cattery loses licence after inspection reveals unhealthy and unsafe environment for cats

02 November 2023

Photo of cramped room where cats were kept

Latimer Cattery was given an on-the-spot suspension notice after an unannounced inspection by North Northamptonshire Council, accompanied by the RSPCA, earlier this year.

Following the suspension period, the licence was revoked by North Northamptonshire Council.

Cats were found being kept in cramped conditions at North Avenue, Burton Latimer in the cattery and in the adjoining house, where they were found in the downstairs toilet, the spare bedroom and in small crates stacked on top of one another in the office.

There was nowhere for the crated cats to exercise, hide, climb or jump to and the litter trays in the crates were too close to where the cats slept.  

Cats were also found being boarded in the storage area and corridor of the cattery, and one licensed pen was overcrowded, being only suitable for one cat but housing two.  

There was poor ventilation, exposure to unhealthy and unsafe environments and cats were being kept within the same accommodation as other cats who they did not know and from a different household, with no sneeze screens between them and nowhere to hide away. 

The unlicensed areas of the cattery and the house at North Avenue, Burton Latimer did not comply with the conditions required for the boarding of cats, and four of the five welfare needs as stated in the Animal Welfare Act 2006 of the cats were not being met: 

  • need for a suitable environment. 
  • need to be able to exhibit normal behaviour patterns. 
  • need to be housed with, or apart, from other animals. 
  • need to be protected from pain, suffering, injury, and disease. 
It is the Council’s role to ensure that all licensed animal boarding establishments and licence holders comply with the required licensing and animal welfare standards and to take proportionate and appropriate action where contraventions are observed to ensure that the required standards are met. This provides a level playing field for all licenced animal boarders in the area and ensures that all boarding is subject to the same strict licensing criteria to safeguard the health and wellbeing of the animals.Councillor David Brackenbury, Executive Member for Growth and Regeneration (which includes premises licensing)  
The issue of animal welfare is of paramount importance to us as the Licensing Authority, and we ensure all premises that need to be licensed meet the required standards, as set out in the Animal Welfare (Licensing of Activities Involving Animals) (England) Regulations 2018.  The cats were examined by an RSPCA Inspector and found to be in good health despite being kept in unsuitable conditions. This strikes me as fortunate, rather than by design.Jason Smithers, Leader of North Northamptonshire Council  

Latimer Cattery was given an on-the-spot suspension notice after an unannounced inspection by officers from North Northamptonshire Council accompanied by the RSPCA in July 2023. Following the suspension period, the licence was revoked by North Northamptonshire Council in September this year.