Mental health and suicide prevention training

Funded training is available for frontline staff and volunteers of health and social care, voluntary and community sector organisations, North Northamptonshire Council and West Northamptonshire Council.

Training is funded by North Northamptonshire Council and West Northamptonshire Council's Public Health teams.

May to December 2024

Date and timeCourseLocationProviderStatus
23 May 2024 9am to 5pmSuicide First Aid (Understanding Suicide Intervention)Pen Green Centre, Corby Fully Booked
7 June 2024
9:30am to 1pm
Mental Health AwarenessRushden MindNorthamptonshire MindFully Booked
11 June 2024Suicide First Aid (Understanding Suicide Intervention)Nene Education Trust, Irthlingborough Fully Booked
25 June 2024
9:30am to 1pm
Mental Health AwarenessNorthampton MindNorthamptonshire MindFully Booked

Other courses available

Action for Happiness

Book a place on the Action for Happiness Champion training online or or email [email protected].

Date and timeCourseLocationProviderStatus
Book on 22 May and
Book on 29 May 2024
2pm to 4:30pm
Action for Happiness Champion TrainingOnlineAction for Happiness Northants HubAvailable
Book on 13 June and
Book on 20 June 2024
10am to 12:30pm
Action for Happiness Champion TrainingOnlineAction for Happiness Northants HubAvailable
Book on 10 July and
Book on 17 July 2024
10am to 12:30pm
Action for Happiness Champion TrainingOnlineAction for Happiness Northants HubAvailable
Book on 15 August and
Book on 22 August 2024
2:30pm to 5pm
Action for Happiness Champion TrainingOnlineAction for Happiness Northants HubAvailable
Book on 19 September and
Book on 26 September 2024
2pm to 4:30pm
Action for Happiness Champion TrainingOnlineAction for Happiness Northants HubAvailable
Book on 16 October and
Book on 23 October 2024
2:30pm to 5pm
Action for Happiness Champion TrainingOnlineAction for Happiness Northants HubAvailable
Book on 20 November and
Book on 27 November 2024
2pm to 4:30pm
Action for Happiness Champion TrainingOnlineAction for Happiness Northants HubAvailable
Book on 11 December and
Book on 18 December 2024
10am to 12:30pm
Action for Happiness Champion TrainingOnlineAction for Happiness Northants HubAvailable

A full programme of training will launch in September and October 2024, if you would like to be added to an email list so that you are kept up-to-date, please email [email protected] (Training Co-ordinator for Mental Health and Wellbeing, Public Health – West Northamptonshire Council) or [email protected].

Email us if you'd like to be added to shortlists for fully booked courses - we'll let you know if there are any cancellations.

Last updated 10 May 2024