Report a flood

If it’s a flooding emergency, you should focus on the safety of yourself and your family. Dial 999 or 112 if it is an emergency and you or someone else is in danger.

Highways, rivers, mains and sewers

If the flooding is from a highway through blocked drains or a ditch, a main river or a burst water main or sewer you should report it to the appropriate organisation: 

Organisation and reporting onlinePhone

North Northamptonshire Highways

You can report flooding-relating highway issues (e.g. blocked ditches, blocked drains or flooding) online

You can also call these numbers if it's an emergency:

0300 126 3000 (9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday)

01604 651074 (out of hours)

National Highways

To report flooding on the M1, M45, A5, A14, A45 (M1 to A14) or A43 (M1, south of Northampton to Oxfordshire border) contact National Highways

0300 123 5000 (say 'Report')

Environment Agency

To report flooding from a main river, contact the Environment Agency.

0800 80 70 60 or 0345 988 1188

Anglian Water Services

To report flooding from an Anglian Water burst water main or sewer use the contact details to the right.

03457 145 145 (Select option 1)

Other flooding

Complete our online form to report all other types of flooding such as groundwater, surface water and flooding from small watercourses.

Once you have submitted your report, we will provide bespoke advice and guidance within 20 working days, and check to see whether it meets our threshold for a Formal Flood Investigation.

This service is used to collate records of flooding - not for emergencies. We can't provide emergency response information.

Last updated 28 April 2024