Elton Quarry
Application details
19/00033/MINFUL, 19/00034/MINVOC, 19/00035/MINFUL - Elton Quarry, Peterborough Old Road, Eaglethorpe, Warmington, PE8 6SN
These planning applications were submitted on 18 April 2019, and was approved by the Development Control Committee on 17 November 2020.
The decision was issued on 31 March 2021.
A single Environmental Statement was submitted which principally relates to the extension area (19/00033/MINFUL), but also incorporates the plant site (19/00034/MINVOC, 19/00035/MINFUL).
The Environmental Statement comprises three separate documents, and members of the public may purchase hard copies of the Environmental Statement at the following costs:
- planning and environment statement volume 1 - £150
- consultant’s reports volume 2 - £250
- non technical summary - Free
- full electronic copy on disc - Free
- Update Statement - £75
- Update Statement on disc - Free
These can be obtained by contacting the agent, D.K Symes, via email: [email protected]
Alternatively, all application documentation follows:
Decision documents
- 19/00033/MINFUL decision (PDF 434KB)
- 19/00034/MINVOC decision (PDF 402KB)
- 19/00035/MINVOC decision (PDF 403KB)
Main application
- 19/00033/MINFUL application (PDF 660KB)
- 19/00034/MINVOC application (PDF 437KB)
- 19/00035/MINFUL application (PDF 652KB)
- Location plan (PDF 1.9MB)
- Site context (PDF 3.2MB)
- Extension area (PDF 991KB)
- Plant Site (PDF 963KB)
- Plant site extensions area (PDF 965KB)
- Composite operations plan (PDF 1.2MB) - Updated 11 November 2019
- Illustrative layout of plant site (PDF 783KB) - Updated 11 November 2019
- Illustrative layout of bridge crossing (PDF 432KB) - Updated 11 November 2019
- Progressive operations plans (PDF 609KB)
- Illustrative detail of processing plant (PDF 1.7MB)
- Restoration scheme - extension area (PDF 1.3MB) - Updated 11 November 2019
- Restoration scheme - plant site (PDF 699KB)
- Illustrative detail of typical office and weighbridge (PDF 297KB)
- Illustrative detail of typical 12m office (PDF 359KB)
- Illustrative detail of typical refuelling area (PDF 324KB)
Environmental statement
Volume 1
- Planning and environmental statement (PDF 5.3MB)
- Appendix 1 - Application 1 forms and certificates (PDF 714KB)
- Appendix 2 - Application 2 forms and certificates and planning permission 18/00032/MINVOC (PDF 1.3MB)
- Appendix 3 - Application 3 forms and certificates (PDF 720KB)
- Appendix 4 - Existing wheel cleaner (PDF 2.6MB)
- Appendix 5 - Mobile screener and crusher (PDF 1.1MB)
Volume 2 - Consultant's report
- Hydrogeological report (PDF 4.1MB)
- Flood risk report (PDF 4MB)
- Ecological impact assessment report (PDF 2.9MB)
- Landscape and visual report (PDF 8.7MB)
- Noise report (PDF 564KB)
- Air quality assessment (PDF 4MB)
- Transport report (PDF 3.1MB)
- Archaeology desk based assessment (PDF 97KB)
- Archaeology desk based assessment - Appendices part 1 (PDF 3MB)
- Archaeology desk based assessment - Appendices part 2 (PDF 9MB)
- Archaeology geophysical survey - part 1 (PDF 7.9MB)
- Archaeology geophysical survey - part 2 (PDF 4.2MB)
- Geoarchaeological window sampling (PDF 6MB)
- Agricultural land classification and soil resources (PDF 5MB)
Last updated 24 May 2023