Visit the Moderngov website to find full details of North Northamptonshire council committees.
You can watch our live streamed meetings on our YouTube channel.
The full Council refers to all 78 elected members of the North Northamptonshire Council. The Council makes important decisions that are required by law to be non-executive. These include setting the council's budget, agreeing on the main policies of the council, and appointing non-executive committees.
The Council also assigns non-executive duties to various committees to handle specific tasks that need fair and unbiased decisions. These tasks include matters related to staffing, elections, planning, and licensing.
Find details of the full council committee and meetings on Moderngov.
The Executive's job is to offer strategic leadership and carry out executive tasks for the Authority. The Council elects a Leader from its members, and this Leader chooses a Deputy Leader and up to 8 other members to form the Executive team.
The Executive team can perform its functions as a group, or the Leader can delegate specific tasks to an individual Executive member or an Officer, following the Scheme of Delegation.
Find details of the Executive committee and meetings on Moderngov.
The Executive Advisory Panels (EAPs) are established by the Executive and provide advice to them. They are consultative forums with no decision-making powers.
The Council has a number of committees which make decisions on behalf of the Council and which are separate to that of the Executive. These include audit and governance, planning, and licensing committees.
Overview and Scrutiny is a means for councillors and members of the public to help improve the services we provide. It also helps us to operate more openly, supporting local democracy.
Overview and Scrutiny can work in various ways, such as:
- developing and reviewing Council policies
- investigating issues and making recommendations for action
- reviewing the performance of services
- calling in decisions made by the Cabinet for further consideration
Find details of Overview and Scrutiny committees on Moderngov.
The Council can set up joint arrangements with other local authorities and their executives to carry out functions and to provide advice to the Council. These arrangements might include creating a joint committee with these other local authorities, which can be done either by the Council or the Executive, depending on the functions involved.
Meetings before 1 April 2021
For pre-unitary meetings and minutes for our previous councils, please email [email protected].
Last updated 23 July 2024