Neighbourhood Learning

The Neighbourhood Learning in Deprived Communities (NLDC) programme is funded by the Education and Skills Funding Agency and is managed by the Adult Learning Service on behalf of North Northamptonshire Council.

This programme supports local voluntary and other third-sector organisations to develop their capacity to deliver learning opportunities for the residents of disadvantaged neighbourhoods.

Neighbourhood Learning courses aim to:

  • deliver a programme of community learning activities which enable adults to move towards employment or further learning
  • provide opportunities for learners to become involved in the local community
  • have a positive effect on learners’ health and wellbeing
  • encourage residents not employed and have low skills to engage in learning and progress to further training opportunities
  • target those who mainstream provision struggles to engage
  • provide information, advice and guidance about further learning, volunteering and / or getting work

Our curriculum coordinator works with partners to set up and recruit engagement courses in community settings.

A coordinator will plan the course in detail with a partner before it starts and a partnership agreement will be provided for courses delivered in your centre.


Courses available may be dependent on tutor and venue availability. Other courses may be available upon request. Courses currently available are:

  • Arts and Crafts
  • IT for Beginners
  • Get Ready for Work
  • Healthy Eating on a budget
  • Make the Most of Your Money
  • Sewing for Beginners
  • Drawing and Painting for Beginners
  • Mindfulness for Beginners
  • Photography for Beginners

Neighbourhood Learning contacts

Community groups can contact us for more information or to discuss whether courses are suitable for them.

Neighbourhood Learning Coordinator - Hazel Johnston

Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 07540 669753

Learning for Personal Development Manager - David Yarnall

Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 01604 365425 / 07872 148366

Last updated 31 January 2023