Oundle ceremony room

How to find us

Fletton House
Glapthorn Road

Car parking

There are parking facilities at the rear of Fletton House or on Glapthorn Road. Guests should not use the doctor's surgery car park.


Our ceremony room, accommodating seating for up to 50 guests, is located in Fletton House, just next door to the library.

Audio facilities

Our music player has USB (for memory sticks only, formatted as FAT32), AUX input option using our provided 5 metre-long 3.5mm jack-to-jack cable, iPhone docking station for iPhone 5 models upwards and Bluetooth.

If you are bringing your own music on a USB or on a mobile device, can you please ensure you designate a guest to operate this.

Disabled access and special needs

The ceremony room is wheelchair accessible. If you have a special need you want to let us know about (such as a disability or interpreter), please contact the Registration Service once you have booked your appointment.

Why information is on a different website
We are in the process of adding information to this new unitary council website. Some pages will give you a link back to a previous council website to help you find what you need. Read more about the council changes.

Last updated 08 March 2023